Jack Hessel's Homepage

Jack Hessel

contact: jmhessel@gmail.com

CV (as of 12/2023).

I am on github, twitter, and google scholar.

I am a machine learning researcher at Samaya AI. Previously, I was a postdoc/research scientist at AI2, and before that, I earned a PhD in Computer Science at Cornell University. If you're looking for a bio for a talk introduction, here's one. If you're looking for me in person, I look something like this (facial hair subject to change):


Selected projects:

Some recent preprints:

Publications (in ~reverse chronological order)

Work Experience

Invited Talks

My CV is more up-to-date, but I've been fortunate to speak at (roughly alphabetically): Adobe Research, Carnegie Mellon University, Carleton College, Cornell, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), Univeristy of Pittsburgh, Rutgers University, Seoul National University, SRI International, University of Washington, and more!

Service/Guest Lectures/Other Activites

My CV is more up to date, but I have reviewed/ACed/etc. for many NLP/CV/ML venues since 2016 including ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, AACL, EACL, AAAI, CoNLL, ACL Rolling Review, ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, JAIR, ICWSM and more!

Other fun projects


I grew up in beautiful Portola Valley, California. I earned a B.A. from Carleton College in 2014, studying computer science and mathematics/statistics. During my time in Northfield, I played ice hockey, and hosted a radio show. I even returned to Carleton briefly in 2019, this time, as a visiting faculty member. I'm a die hard San Jose Sharks fan, avid consumer (and very occasionally a producer) of electronic music, and, an amateur lockpick. During graduate school at Cornell, I was a member of Stewart Little Coop, a community of 15 people, I played ice hockey in the Ithaca Hockey Association (and, during summer internships in CA, in the San Jose Adult Hockey League).